Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)

GLP Course Description

About The Course:

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) is basically Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in the laboratory. This course has been produced to deliver the GLP requirements to ensure that you meet the GMP criteria of product quality, safety and efficacy. The course covers the guidelines as well as the fundamentals of good technique including planning, neatness, recording of results, accuracy and precision. It also considers how to audit a Quality Control (QC) Laboratory and how to qualify laboratory instrumentation.

Our courses not only provide the information, if followed, to comply with the guidelines but also assesses the competence of the Analyst. Therefore you will have workshop exercises to complete in order to ascertain that you have grasped the main points outlined in the course. The exercises must then be submitted to us for marking. Once the final assessment has been completed and passed, you will receive our Certificate of Competency.

What you’ll need:

  • A good connection as this whole course is online.
  • Your notebook and pen to take notes as you learn.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 2 Days

Difficulty: Intermediate



Course Instructor

Peter Hannah Author

Once Off Payment

6 months of access

Introduction to GLP

GLP for People

Has Quiz

GLP for Premises

Has Quiz

GLP for Process

Has Quiz
Has Quiz

GLP for Procedures

Has Quiz

Laboratory Quality Management System

Has Quiz

GLP Summary

GLP Final Assessment

Has Quiz